I have decided that it is time to return to blogging. I started this blog about a year and a half ago as a way to archive my training for my first ironman. As the training ramped up, my blogging died. For the record, I did complete my first ironman on June 26th, 2011. Since then, I have been on my bike less than 10 times and in the pool even fewer. For a while, I was totally ok with this. I continued to run a bit, mostly on trails, and that was enough for me. I don't know if it's simply the passage of time, or the fact that I've been spending my evenings this week watching the summer olympics, but I've decided that I miss being an athlete. Sure, I've been running, I've even done a few trail races, but I haven't been training and those races were more about survival than competing. It's time to compete again. Maybe it won't be against anyone else, maybe the competition will be with myself, but it's time. I'm ready to fight again.
As part of my renewed commitment, I decided to resurrect the blog with a snazzy new name. I considered many options, but "The Adventures of Neurosquid" seemed perfect. My dad has called me squid since I was a baby. I can only assume that it has something to do with how I looked as a newborn : ) When I got my Ph.D., he upgraded me to neurosquid. It's one of those nicknames that no one really says out loud, but it fits perfectly. I've been in a bit of a funk recently and haven't been feeling like myself. My goal for this blog is to chronicle the return of neurosquid.
Neurosquid turns 30!
Like. Welcome back to the interwebs!