I'll admit, I'm behind on the blog again. Rather than trying to recap everything I missed, I'll give you my favorite highlight.
I did 3 HOURS ON THE TRAINER this weekend. Absolute absurdity, but given the weather it was my only realistic option. The boredom was amplified by the fact that we do not have cable and there was only one channel that wasn't showing infomercials all morning on Saturday! So, I plopped myself in front of the TV and caught up on my ski racing... haha! Did you know that the guy that won the giant slalom for the season is sponsored by Parmigiana Reggiano?? Yep, he's sponsored by cheese. How do I get that gig?! Luckily, the distraction of dreaming about being sponsored by cheese (or maybe wine) kept me going for quite a while. Throw in the occasional ski crash and it was almost an entertaining morning... almost. I did a quick brick run after that ride just to get my legs used to the idea that I will have to run after this crazy long ride. Frankly my legs felt better than expected. The usually wobbly-ness to start, but generally not bad.
So, on to this week. Here's the plan:
Monday - long swim (DONE, see below)
Tuesday - 50 min. run (DONE, see below) + 2 hr. ride after work (on the trainer, since it's snowing)
Wednesday - 90 min. ride (likely on the trainer)
Thursday - swim (another tough workout) + 120 min. run (hoping the weather holds up)
Friday - swim (slightly shorter than the others)
Saturday - Jeremy's 50K, I'll likely fit in an hour or so of running in between my crewing duties
Sunday - 3 hour ride + 30 min. brick run (PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE do your good weather dance for me)
Yesterdays swim was challenging. I did 3000m after work at the JCC (w.u. 4x75, main: 2x500, 15x100 EBEH, c.d. 100 swim, 100 back). By about the 10th 100 of the main set I was starting to feel it. Those last 5 100's (especially the hard 25 at the end of each) were brutal, but I pushed through. Glad I got it done!
This morning I did my run on the treadmill at the JCC due to the snow and lack of daylight before work. It's crazy how 5 miles really isn't that big of a deal anymore. I'm starting to get great joy out of the fact that in the time I'm on the treadmill, 2-3 people will cycle on/off each of the machines around me. This wasn't quite as evident today, but if you stay on the treadmill for an hour or more it's pretty fun to watch. My plan for today is to eat well, and stay off my feet as much as possible in lab so I can get through my 2 hour ride tonight. Right now, my recovery chocolate milk is making me quite happy : )
Impressive effort!! Keep at it and the weather man will eventually smile upon you.