Monday, March 14, 2011

New tire and spring weather

I will not lie and say this is the only reason that my mid-week training was a little off last week, but I did blow a tire.  I think it was Wednesday or Thursday that I went to get on the trainer and noticed that my back tire had a major blow out.  Amazingly, the tube hadn't blown, but I had a 1-2 inch slice right through my tire.  At first I was puzzled - how do you slice your tire riding on the trainer? Then it hit me... I hadn't released the cam lever after my last ride, and with the dry Utah air and major temperature fluctuations, I think the rubber just finally said "screw you".  Needless to say, my ride that day was a no-go.  The good news is that Jeremy picked up a replacement for me and I installed it before my weekend ride.

Last week wasn't great in terms of training volume.  I got all of my runs in, including an awesome early morning run with Nelly on Friday. Bike and swim took a bit of a hit though. Man, this training schedule is tough to live up to. I'm going to do better though.  Luckily, the weekend afforded an opportunity to catch up a bit.

Saturday I went on a long run with Jeremy.  Not my best run ever, but given my run volume from the week I wasn't terribly surprised. Yesterday the weather was GORGEOUS! I was able to go for my first outside ride of the season... woohoo! Jeremy had heard of a bike path nearby that's supposed to be good for training, so we went to check it out.  It will be a great spot for bricks down the road! I had a good ride yesterday, 24 miles total.  The ride out was awesome - I felt great, the sun was warm on my arms, etc.  The ride back was brutal.  There was no bathroom at the turn around so my bladder was pissed, plus there was a 20 mph headwind to contend with.  Not a fun ride back at all, but I survived.

I WILL do better this week, both with training and with blogging. I swear.

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