Monday, January 3, 2011

Holiday Catch-up

Whew... what a whirlwind couple of weeks!  Training took a bit of a back seat before Christmas so that I could get all of the wrapping, packing, etc. done in time.  Even with all of the travel craziness and uncharacteristically cold and rainy CA weather, I did a pretty good job of getting some training in while we were home for the holidays.  All in all, I fit in 4 runs ranging from 2-5 miles, a good swim session, and a New Year's Day hike.

Unfortunately, I woke up on New Year's Day with a brutal head cold. I'm still feeling pretty congested and foggy today, so I think I'll forgo a workout in favor of a nap when I get home from work.

Health permitting, my plan for the rest of the week is to increase my frequency to at least one workout per day.  I know it's the frequency of training that will hit me the hardest when the "official" training plan kicks in next month, so I want to try to minimize the shock to my system by increasing my frequency now.  Danielle and I are planning to resume our Tues/Thurs morning runs.  Since the projected temp for tomorrow morning is in the low 20's and I'm still battling this cold, Danielle suggested we wait until Thursday to start back up. Probably a good call!

Here's hoping that a shot of Vitamin C and a nap will get me back on track ASAP!


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