Monday, February 7, 2011

Romp to Stomp and other weekend fun

Saturday was the Romp to Stomp snowshoe race.  Jeremy and I made our 1st annual return appearance and I must say, it gave me a major sense of perspective.  As I watched the first-timers this year I couldn't help but be pleased with our progress.  First, we've not only learned to snowshoe, we have our own (thanks to my folks).  We were FAR more coordinated than last year.  Second, we've adapted to winter weather like champs.  We both were laughing at the folks carrying 3 layers of jackets by the end of the race.  We were them last year and this year we proudly chugged along in minimal layers.  So, for the second year in a row we had a great time, and didn't win a dang thing in the raffle! Oh well, it's for a good cause!  Jeremy has decided that next year we need to do the "race" part, rather than the walk part. Yikes, I better learn to run in my snowshoes!

Sunday was of course Super Bowl Sunday!!!  It was also my long day on the bike.  I hopped on the trainer mid-afternoon and cranked out a solid 90 minutes.  I felt WAY better than anticipated and was super pleased with myself.  Workout completed, I settled on the couch with some nachos and a glass of wine (I know, not your stereotypical football beverage) and watch the Packers win.  A VERY good Sunday : )

This was my final week of prep training.  I didn't miss a single workout, and I'm feeling good. Go me!

Plan for next week (modified a bit to accommodate the Gleason's visit):
Monday - long swim before work at the JCC, 45 min. run after work
Tuesday - 60 min. trainer ride before work, 45 min. run after work
Wednesday - moderate swim day
Thursday - 90 min. long run before work, speed swim after work (should have been on Friday)
Friday - OFF!
Saturday - Snowshoeing with the Gleason's (this will replace my 60 min. bike from Friday)
Sunday - 90 min. trainer ride

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